Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Palestine, Egypt and Israel

Alhamdulillah and thanks to my friend who forward this dialogue between Palestine, Egypt and Israel. Also thanks to the writer who wrote this dialogue, cuz it really touches my heart ...I think it's very creative

Palestine : Why did you do this to us?
Egypt : Did what?
Palestine : Stop pretending. You know what I mean.
Egypt : No, I don’t!
Palestine : Fine, let me tell you silly, about the tunnel, why did you block the tunnel?
Egypt : Owh, about that. Sorry, I strongly think that’s my territory, so I have the right to do whatever I want. Furthermore, I just want to stop you from smuggling.
Palestine : Yes I know that’s your territory. But you knew how Israel blocked our supplies for foods, oils and all necessities from coming in, and if not because of the tunnel, we are already died in hunger. Now you want to block the tunnel. How could you do this to us? We are brothers! Please don’t forget that this world is not belong to us, its belong to Allah The Almighty! And He just lend it to us!
Egypt : errr… (feel guilty)...

Then come Israel.

Israel : What’s the problem here?
Palestine : Go away! It’s none of your business!
Israel : It’s my business because you are bullying my friend here! O my friend Egypt, tell me, what’s the problem?
Egypt : emm… (looked down then speak slowly)... Palestine is mad at me because I blocked the tunnel.
Israel : Owh about that. Then why did you afraid? You don’t have to be afraid, I’m here. I will protect you and will always protect you Egypt.
Egypt : (silence, felt ashamed)
Palestine : Egypt, please, we are Muslim, I know you are under pressure from Israel, and I know that you know who’s the real bully here. It’s not me, it’s Israel!
Israel : Hey watch your mouth Palestine, don’t try me!
Palestine : What?! What are you going to do Israel?! What else that could be more worse than what you had done to us on the ‘Nakba’! On 15 May 1948! Don’t you ever dare to forget that date Israel! You came to our land, you established the living of Jews, Zionist acted cruelly and dispelled more than 800 000 Palestinian from our very own country! Not enough with that, you destroyed 478 villages among 580!
Egypt’s face dropped down. He felt so ashamed, guilty, regretted. When Israel saw that, he panicked. His face became red as he was mad. Then immediately he punched Palestine face and Palestine fall to the ground.
Israel : See, I warned u!
Palestine : Why! That’s all that you can do! Do you really think by punching me at my face will make me scared! Not a chance Israel! Not a chance! Like I said Israel, you had done worse to us. Don’t you forget it Israel! And if you pretend to forget it, let me remind you Israel.

(Israel became more panicked. He didn’t know what else that might come from Palestine’s mouth, and he afraid it will affect his relation with Egypt. )
While Palestine got back to his feet and shed the blood on his lips from the punch by Israel, he continued.

Palestine : Do you remember 9 April 1948 Israel? The chaos that you had done at Deir Yassin. DO U REMEMBER?! You came to Deir Yassin with your army and without sympathy you started to burn the village! You burned down our house Israel! Not enough with that, while the house was burning, you waited outside of the house, and when people running out of the house to save themselves from the fire, you shot them at the head! At their head Israel! Without any sympathy! You shot women, old people and kids! The people that you shot without any sympathy. My parents, my children, my wife, my brothers, my sisters, they all were my family Israel!

(At this moment, tears started to run down on the cheek of Palestine, he could not bear it anymore, he felt so sad remembering what Zionist had done to Palestinian.)

Palestine : Why you did that Israel? Why you have to act so cruel Israel? Why you have to shoot the kids while they were trying to save themselves from the burning house? They were scared Israel. They just wanted to save themselves. But you killed them all. What have they (kids) done to you that made you shot them at their head? They did nothing wrong Israel. They were just children. Where’s your humanity Israel? (…Palestine sobbing...)
Egypt started to cry.
Israel panicked that suddenly he shout at Palestine.
Israel : Hey shut your mouth Palestine! That’s enough!

Without care of Israel, Palestine continue in sobbing.

Palestine : My brother Egypt, please, look me in my eyes and tell me that I was wrong. They (while pointing his finger at Israel) are an animal, worse than animal! Have you forget that hundreds of heavily-armed Jews massacred a little village near Baitul-Maqdis (Jerusalem) of 200 Arabs. They raped the women and children, then crushed their heads with rocks until the brain blew out.

(Egypt fall to his knees, he could not barely stand anymore, he felt so weak.)

Israel was surprised. He then hit Palestine face again. This time harder. Palestine fall to the ground. Without waiting, Israel then kick Palestine face, again and again. Israel acted like crazy man who was losing his mind. Palestine was groaning in pain.
Egypt : STOP IT ISRAEL! Please stop! (crying and pleading Israel to stop, he could not bear looking Palestine was hit like that)

But Israel will never stop. He hated Palestine so much. He keep on kicking Palestine. Egypt then felt something wrong when he saw Israel picked up a big stone near him.


It was too late, Israel hit Palestine face as hard as he could with the stone. Blood burst out all over his face. Israel then became panicked and fled from the scene.

..........(Silence for a moment)..........

Egypt was surprised by the scene that he just saw. Egypt then immediately run to Palestine and hold Palestine head. His face was covered with blood. He was still breathing, but so weak. Palestine was dying.

Egypt (while crying) : Palestine, wake up Palestine, please my dear brother, wake up, please don’t die. Don’t leave me.

With few strength left, Palestine softly spoke to Egypt’s ear...
" Don’t cry my brother. Don’t cry, be strong. Israel can kill me, but he will never kill my spirit. He can kill my whole country, but he can never kill the passion of Muslim around the world. By God wills, Islam will rise someday. But before that, we need to unite my brother. You, me and all our brothers of Islam around the world should unite as one. We should stop fighting among us. We should stop depending on Israel and America. We Muslim, should embrace as one, and love each other as a family for the sake of our beloved religion, Islam. And when that time come, Islam will rise as high as ever. Trust in ourselves that we can and we will win. Remember, Allah will always be on our side. We can bring the change to the world. Islam will rule the world someday. InsyaAllah. "

Egypt : I will my brother, InsyaAllah, I will remember all your words.


From the writer --> I made this dialogue based on the problem that Palestinians are facing today. Egypt is pressured by Israel to block the tunnel where the Palestinian at Gaza really depends on that tunnel to smuggle goods such as food, cloths, weapons, and etc in order to continue their daily life. Hamas is the only Palestinian group that is still fighting to get back their country, as Fatah is not really functional. Hope this dialogue can open our eyes, and our HEART. Finally, let ask ourselves, how can we have any pleasure in anything that happens when we have brothers and sisters at Palestine living as they are?

Tuesday, December 29, 2009



Setiap kali menatap gambar kawan-kawan lame di USA dulu...dalam hati saya mesti rasa sedih...kalaulah mereka masuk Islam..tetapi saya tahu benda tu semua mane boleh sekadar harapan dan angan2 saje..Inilah tugasku sebagai seorang muslim..

Tapi saya selalu kebingungan..bagimana caranye untuk berdakwah dengan mereka??Ilmu pun xcukup lagi.. Tapi xkan nak tunggu sampai jadi ustazah atau ade ijazah dalam bidang agama atau lain2 baru boleh berdakwah dengan mereka??Ya Allah..aku sayang mereka sabagai kawan, tetapi aku tidak boleh sayangkan mereka sepenuh hati kerana mereka masih kafir..kafir..

Selain itu terdapat juga rakan2 muslim di sana tidak memahami dan mengamalkan islam secara keseluruhan..sedih..

----Jadi saya mohon kepada saudara se-islam yang lebih berilmu/alim untuk memberi tunjuk ajar..atau cadangan untuk berdakwah secara

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Tabik Setan

***Sebanarnya saya dapat artikel ini daripada e-mail yang diforwardkan oleh kawan..Mungkin ini dapat menambahkan pengetahuan kita..

Selama ni mereka ingat buat sign mcm tu sama dgn "rock" dan mereka tak tau yg tu sign setan...kalau tau gerenti mereka tak buat...tak boleh expect mereka to be perfect sbb pencarian ilmu adalah perjalanan kehidupan..

Sama lah mcm perkataan "butuh" bermaksud memerlukan oleh orang Indonesia, orang melayu tak guna tak guna perkataan tu disini sbb mereka tau maksudnya "penis" atau kemaluan lelaki...

mereka tak ada memperjuangkan apa apa......... almaklum la.... secara totalnya... masyarakat kita adalah masyarakat pengikut..... dia pandaang aapa yg orang putih buat kena la ikut baru nampak up to date.... cuba tengok dari segala segi..... yang muda muda terikut ikut freesex mat salleh..... yang punya ugama pulak terikut ikut macam style afghanistan dan bangladesh ..... yang macam educated pulak... terikut ikut terperasan dia look like mat salleh.... dari segi kehidupan dan percampuran...... bottom line... msyaarakat kita tak ada kekuatan identiti sendiri.... sebab tu nak pinjam identiti orang lain....


Horned God Represents the horned god of witchcraft. Pan or Cernunnos. Note the thumb under the fingers and given by the right hand.

Horned Hand The sign of recognition between those in the O cc ult. When pointed at someone it is meant to place a curse. Note the thumb over the fingers and given by the left hand.

Witch Sign or Moon Sign Used to salute the rising moon. Also used by surfers and football teams. This is the sign that the furor should be using to indicate the "Hook Um" horns, Not the 2 above

Anton LaVey, leader and founder of theChurch of Satan.
Above: Anton LaVey, founder of the Church of Satan and author ofThe Satanic Bible, displaying the "Horned Hand" (also called the "satanic salute" and Il Cornuto) with his left hand, on the back cover of The Satanic Bible.

A Satanic Ritual
Above: (Satanists making the "Satanic salute" to an altar displaying the Goat of Mendes or Baphomet, to acknowledge their allegiance to Satan, during a Satanic ritual.)

Above, from the Satanic Bible: The ‘Satanic Salute’, Horned Hand or The Mano Cornuto is a signal of allegiance between members of Satanism to their ‘horned god’, a sign of recognition and allegiance.


Kesiannn... tengok mereka-mereka ni semua...

Dulu-dulu berjuangan menentang penjajah.. kemudian berjuang mendapatkan kemerdekaan. . kemudian berjuang utk mengekalkan kemerdekaan. . kemudian berjuang membangunkan negara.. SEKARANG NI.. ENTAH APA BENDA YANG SEDANG DIPERJUANGKAN. ..??????

***Jadi selepas membaca artikel nie, semoga kite semua dpt tingkatkan pengetahuan kite, dan bertaubat kalau dah pernah buat. Dan share dekat orang lain..


Kadang2 terlintas di hati dan fikiran saya. Selepas hari kiamat, adakah kehidupan baru akan wujud. Juga kadang2 kalau Allah tidak menciptakan saya, apakah akan berlaku..Selain itu adik pernah bertanya kenape Allah tak kawin dan sebagainya (biase la kanak2 otak sentiasa berjalan).

Sesetengah orang akan berfikir lebih-lebih. Dan kalau kita berfikir lebih sangat kita sendiri akan jadi gila. Sebab memikir sesuatu di luar jangkaan akal kita. Sebaliknya saya berfikir bahawa ilmu Allah itu Maha Luas sehingga kita tak terjangka dalam akal kita sendiri. Juga saya berasa bersyukur kerana dipilih oleh-Nya sebagai hamba yang mempunyai pelbagai nikmat seperti Islam, kesihatan,ketenagan dan lain-lain. Sesungguhnya Allah itu Maha Kuasa! Syukur, syukur, syukur....